Helix enthusiasts, you’re in for a treat!
Both Helix Ultimate and Helix3 have received updates, offering you enhanced compatibility and streamlined functionality. From removing backward compatibility plugin dependency in Helix Ultimate to bringing Joomla 5 compatibility in Helix3, get ready to elevate your web development experience with the Helix framework.
Let’s take a look at the changelogs to see what these updates have in store.
Helix Ultimate v2.0.17 Changelog:
- Update: Removed backward compatibility plugin dependency
- Update: Font Awesome updated to 6.4.2 for Joomla 5
Helix3 v3.0.5 Changelog:
- Update: Joomla 5 compatibility
- Update: PHP 8.2 compatibility
- Update: Font Awesome updated to 6.4.2 for Joomla 5
- Update: Twitter X logo added
- Fix: Coming Soon PHP 8.2 “Deprecated: explode()” issue
- Fix: Coming Soon page was accessible even when disabled from the settings
- Fix: Joomla 4 frontend media upload issue
Table of Contents
No More Backward Compatibility Plugin Dependency in Helix Ultimate
In the latest update for Helix Ultimate, we have removed the dependency on the default Joomla plugin called “Behaviour – Backward Compatibility”.
In the previous version, v2.0.16, you might have experienced issues if you disabled the plugin. However, the good news is that in the latest version, v2.0.17, this problem no longer occurs. We have eliminated the dependency on this plugin, ensuring that Helix Ultimate functions seamlessly without it.
Updated Font Awesome For Both Helix Ultimate & Helix3
In response to the demand for up-to-date design elements, Helix Ultimate and Helix3 have been updated to incorporate Font Awesome version 6.4.2, optimized for Joomla 5. This update provides users with access to the latest and most versatile set of icons.
Helix3 Got the Latest Joomla 5 and PHP Compatibility
The latest version of Helix3 ensures full compatibility with Joomla 5, allowing users to leverage the latest features and enhancements offered by the Joomla platform.
Helix3 has also been updated to be fully compatible with PHP 8.2 to enhance performance and stability.
We’ve also updated the Twitter X logo on all social icons in this update. Your Helix3 website will now sport the latest Twitter branding.
Wrapping Up
With the removal of the backward compatibility plugin dependency in Helix Ultimate and the embrace of Joomla 5 and PHP 8.2 compatibility in Helix3, today’s update will ensure that your websites not only stay current but also perform optimally.
So, what’s the wait? Update today to enjoy the latest changes!
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